Saturday, February 25, 2012

a not nice poem

Don't ask me what my vice is
I am but a child
and I can't top your impressive disorder
of alcoholism
I don't care that you have money
buy me a drink
don't linger like you know me
you don't know me
never did
don't compliment my hair
my smile
my attitude
Don't talk about my turtle
you don't know him either
Don't ask me who my friend is
Don't fucking drink and drive
Dr.Pepper helps
but you still look like an idiot
with a stupid tie
don't talk to me
I stayed and danced with you after hours
because I am polite
don't sing to me
don't touch my hands
get a hair cut or grow it out
it's in an awkward stage right now


Anonymous said...

~love dis~

Anonymous said...

≈) this is very beautiful - i love it.

"Do not choose the coward's explanation"