Tuesday, October 30, 2012

a quiet rant ( I lied, I am vocalizing the ups and downs)

You apologize for speaking in your native language but I wish you'd never stop
that Hebrew rolling off your tongue, it makes me dizzy with desire-overwhelmed and alive
as you gossip and clarify translations, emotions, vibrations
I pick up your accent accidentally-in a silent attempt to adopt the adorable nature of broken-English
you accuse me of "smiling hard" and I blush as you rush to correct the mistake of your flattery
you know that it hurts me this back and forth bribery to stay and to leave
and you love it
you'd rather I didn't
naive and at ease
second best as I rest
my head down on your pillow I hold in my pee, so I don't let you free

I'm happy because I am stupid

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"Do not choose the coward's explanation"